How to Add Jewelry to Your Man’s Attire


Jewelry for men is one of the hottest new fashion trends. Men of all ages are feeling much more comfortable wearing jewelry either to express themselves, dress up an outfit, or simply because they like the appearance. The number of celebrity guys wearing jewelry of all kinds is ample evidence of its growing popularity. If you’d like to help the man in your life incorporate some stylish jewelry into his wardrobe, there are several great choices that any guy would feel comfortable wearing – even one who’s not accustomed to jewelry.

  • Cuff links: In the 1950s and 1960s, a man simply wasn’t considered well dressed without a nice pair of cuff links. Later, in the 1970s, men’s dress shirts with buttoned cuffs became more popular, and cuff links went out of style. Fortunately, all that is changing now. Dress shirts with French cuffs (those without buttons) are becoming increasingly popular, along with the long-forgotten cuff links. You’ll find a huge variety of different styles and price ranges.
  • Rings: Among the most popular choices in jewelry for men are rings. If your budget won’t allow for a ring made out of a precious metal like gold or platinum, there are plenty of other more affordable alternatives. Check out the selection of rings made of contemporary materials, such as titanium, tungsten carbide, cobalt chrome and stainless steel. You’ll find that these materials are often more durable than precious metals and are definitely more affordable. One great example is a cobalt chrome band with a Celtic cross design.
  • Bracelets: Another extremely popular choice in jewelry for men is the bracelet. Even a man who is unaccustomed to wearing jewelry is probably used to wearing a watch, so wearing a bracelet is an easy transition to make. Look for contemporary materials in men’s bracelets too, such as one made of titanium with a classic brushed finish.
  • Pendant necklaces: Although pendants for men may sound like a new development in the world of men’s jewelry, just the contrary is true. In fact, men have been wearing pendant necklaces of one form or another since prehistoric times. You’ll find them in virtually any material that appeals to you and your man – from gold to silver to platinum and more. You’ll also discover plenty of pendants for men made of the more affordable contemporary materials. Consider, for example, a sleek black dog tag style pendant made of tungsten carbide with a single diamond.
  • Tie bar: Similar to cuff links, the tie bar is another “flash from the past” in the world of jewelry for men. This one-time staple of men’s fashion fell by the wayside decades ago, but over the past few years they have reemerged. Probably due in large part to the recent popularity of everything retro, tie bars are once again being worn by men of all ages. They come in almost every style and material imaginable with prices that will fit into any budget. Whichever style you and your guy choose, just be sure that his tie bar is never wider than the tie he wears it with.

It’s really quite easy and inexpensive to help your guy incorporate jewelry for men into his wardrobe. Start out with the five suggestions listed here, and let the man in your life take it from there. Even guys who don’t think of themselves as jewelry wearers will feel comfortable wearing any of these choices. Who knows – once your man has the opportunity to express his individuality through select pieces of jewelry, he may branch out and become just as adventurous as some celebrities! In order to get more ideas about adding a piece of jewelry to your man’s attire visit this website:

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